Asian Cycling Championships - ITT

To receive prizemoney for this race you need to buy before the race starts and have the rider on your team at the finish.
  • Time to start


Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-06-10 09:00:00 and not sold before 2023-06-10 09:22:57.



Prize moneyYour score
Results1 FEDOROV Yevgeniy 1.000,-
2 TU Sergio 900,-
3 SAINBAYAR Jambaljamts 800,-
4 CHZHAN Igor 700,-
5 KOISHI Yuma 600,-
6 CHAWCHIANGKWANG Peerapol 500,-
7 CHOE Hyeong Min 450,-
8 XUE Ming 400,-
9 MADAN Ahmed 350,-
10 FOMOVSKIY Aleksey 300,-
11 ROSLI Muhammad Nur Aiman Bin 250,-
12 LAU Wan Yau Vincent 200,-
13 PHOUNSAVATH Ariya 150,-
14 NGUYEN Tuan Vu 100,-
15 CAHYADI Aiman 50,-
For this race/stage is the following prizemoney available.
Oneday races1 1.000,-
2 900,-
3 800,-
4 700,-
5 600,-
6 500,-
7 450,-
8 400,-
9 350,-
10 300,-
11 250,-
12 200,-
13 150,-
14 100,-
15 50,-