PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi
Stage 4

To receive prizemoney for this race you need to buy before the race starts and have the rider on your team at the finish.
  • Time to start


Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-09-26 04:16:00 and not sold before 2023-09-26 07:14:37.



Prize moneyYour score
Mountains classification1 PELLAUD Simon 50,-
Points classification1 DE KLEIJN Arvid 50,-
General classification1 JACKSON George 100,-
Results1 BABOR Daniel 400,-
2 JACKSON George 360,-
3 WEEMAES Sasha 320,-
4 CANAL Carlos 280,-
5 CONFORTI Lorenzo 240,-
6 VIVIANI Attilio 200,-
7 BOGDANOVICS Maris 160,-
8 DE KLEIJN Arvid 120,-
9 ZANONCELLO Enrico 80,-
10 SYRITSA Gleb 40,-
36 BÁRTA Tomáš 0,-
43 SORARRAIN Gorka 0,-
44 PRADES Eduard 0,-
91 JOHNSTON Calum 0,-
95 MURGUIALDAY Jokin 0,-
For this race/stage is the following prizemoney available.
Stage results1 400,-
2 360,-
3 320,-
4 280,-
5 240,-
6 200,-
7 160,-
8 120,-
9 80,-
10 40,-
Leader GC1 100,-
Leader GC KOM1 50,-
Leader GC points1 50,-
Leader GC youth1 25,-