Volta a Portugal em Bicicleta
Stage 5

To receive prizemoney for this race you need to buy before the race starts and have the rider on your team at the finish.
  • Time to start


Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-08-14 13:10:00 and not sold before 2023-08-14 18:23:37.



Prize moneyYour score
Mountains classification1 FERNÁNDEZ Delio 40,-
Youth classification1 EULÁLIO Afonso 20,-
Points classification1 BABOR Daniel 40,-
General classification1 FERNÁNDEZ Delio 80,-
Results1 FERNÁNDEZ Delio 300,-
2 STÜSSI Colin 270,-
3 JUARISTI Txomin 240,-
4 DEL PINO Jesus 210,-
5 CASIMIRO Henrique 180,-
6 ITURRIA Mikel 150,-
7 CARVALHO Antonio 120,-
8 ARDILA Andrés Camilo 90,-
9 FIGUEIREDO Frederico 60,-
10 CABEDO Óscar 30,-
21 BLANCO Samuel 0,-
40 TRUEBA Alvaro 0,-
68 SALGUEIRO Carlos Miguel 0,-
73 BARBOSA Diogo 0,-
74 LOURENÇO Rafael 0,-
1008 FERNANDES Venceslau 0,-
For this race/stage is the following prizemoney available.
Stage results1 300,-
2 270,-
3 240,-
4 210,-
5 180,-
6 150,-
7 120,-
8 90,-
9 60,-
10 30,-
Leader GC1 80,-
Leader GC KOM1 40,-
Leader GC points1 40,-
Leader GC youth1 20,-