La Vuelta Ciclista a España
Stage 19
To receive prizemoney for this race you need to buy before the race starts and have the rider on your team at the finish.
- Time to startstarted
Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-09-15 13:29:00 and not sold before 2023-09-15 17:03:11.Title | Result | Rider | Prize money | Your score | Captain | |
Mountains classification | 1 | EVENEPOEL Remco | 150,- | |||
Youth classification | 1 | AYUSO Juan | 75,- | |||
Points classification | 1 | GROVES Kaden | 150,- | |||
General classification | 1 | KUSS Sepp | 300,- | |||
Results | 1 | DAINESE Alberto | 1.000,- | |||
2 | GANNA Filippo | 900,- | ||||
3 | VAN DEN BERG Marijn | 800,- | ||||
4 | CIMOLAI Davide | 700,- | ||||
5 | GARCÍA CORTINA Iván | 600,- | ||||
6 | BALLERSTEDT Maurice | 500,- | ||||
7 | ASKEY Lewis | 400,- | ||||
8 | HOFSTETTER Hugo | 300,- | ||||
9 | BARCELÓ Fernando | 200,- | ||||
10 | KOCH Jonas | 100,- | ||||
74 | BARDET Romain | 0,- | ||||
102 | COMBAUD Romain | 0,- | ||||
143 | FLYNN Sean | 0,- | ||||
144 | HAMILTON Chris | 0,- | ||||
147 | POOLE Max | 0,- | ||||
Sprint | Mojados (157.8 km) | 1 | DAVY Clément | 300,- | |||
2 | GROVES Kaden | 200,- | ||||
3 | PLANCKAERT Edward | 150,- | ||||
4 | KRON Andreas | 100,- | ||||
5 | SOLER Marc | 50,- |
For this race/stage is the following prizemoney available.
title | Result | Prizemoney |
Stage results | 1 | 1.000,- |
2 | 900,- | |
3 | 800,- | |
4 | 700,- | |
5 | 600,- | |
6 | 500,- | |
7 | 400,- | |
8 | 300,- | |
9 | 200,- | |
10 | 100,- | |
Leader GC | 1 | 300,- |
Leader GC points | 1 | 150,- |
Leader GC youth | 1 | 75,- |
Leader GC KOM | 1 | 150,- |
Sprint | Mojados (157.8 km) | 1 | 300,- |
2 | 200,- | |
3 | 150,- | |
4 | 100,- | |
5 | 50,- | |
6.975,- |