Sayers Cycling

Prizemoney statistics for this team. Click on the prizemoney to see the breakdown for this race.

Last prizemoney per race

17/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 6 4.050,-
16/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 5 1.400,-
15/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 8 2.210,-
15/10Veneto Classic 600,-
15/10Chrono des Nations 300,-
15/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 4 600,-
14/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 3 950,-
14/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 7 600,-
13/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2 1.650,-
13/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 6 390,-
12/10Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1 1.100,-
12/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 5 495,-
11/10Giro del Veneto 350,-
11/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 4 730,-
10/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 3 535,-
09/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 2 510,-
08/10Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 1 420,-
08/10Paris - Tours Elite 500,-
07/10Il Lombardia 6.050,-
05/10Paris - Bourges 1.720,-
05/10Gran Piemonte 900,-
04/10Visit Friesland Elfstedenrace 0,-
03/10Binche - Chimay - Binche / Mémorial Frank Vandenbroucke 920,-
03/10Tre Valli Varesine 800,-
03/10Sparkassen Münsterland Giro 750,-
02/10Coppa Bernocchi - GP Banco BPM 700,-
01/10Tour de Vendée 480,-
01/10Lotto Famenne Ardenne Classic 600,-
01/10CRO Race | Stage 6 2.150,-
30/09Giro dell'Emilia 350,-
30/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 8 720,-
30/09CRO Race | Stage 5 470,-
29/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 7 410,-
29/09CRO Race | Stage 4 580,-
28/09Coppa Agostoni - Giro delle Brianze 710,-
28/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 6 450,-
28/09CRO Race | Stage 3 60,-
28/09Circuit Franco-Belge 1.000,-
27/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 5 150,-
27/09CRO Race | Stage 2 390,-
26/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 4 170,-
26/09CRO Race | Stage 1 570,-
25/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 3 50,-
24/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 2 510,-
24/09European Continental Championships ME - Road Race 700,-
24/09Paris-Chauny 440,-
24/09Škoda Tour Luxembourg | Stage 5 2.200,-
23/09PETRONAS Le Tour de Langkawi | Stage 1 550,-
23/09Škoda Tour Luxembourg | Stage 4 (ITT) 285,-
22/09Škoda Tour Luxembourg | Stage 3 540,-
21/09Škoda Tour Luxembourg | Stage 2 0,-
20/09Omloop van het Houtland 1.190,-
20/09Škoda Tour Luxembourg | Stage 1 0,-
20/09European Continental Championships ME - ITT 760,-
17/09Trofeo Matteotti 1.110,-
17/09Okolo Slovenska / Tour de Slovaquie | Stage 5 90,-
17/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 21 13.900,-
17/09Ixina Gooikse Pijl p/b Lotto 520,-
17/09Grand Prix d'Isbergues - Pas de Calais 400,-
16/09Okolo Slovenska / Tour de Slovaquie | Stage 4 90,-
16/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 20 575,-
16/09Memorial Marco Pantani 560,-
15/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 19 75,-
14/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 18 475,-
14/09Gran Premio città di Peccioli - Coppa Sabatini 1.050,-
14/09Okolo Slovenska / Tour de Slovaquie | Stage 2 60,-
13/09Giro della Toscana - Memorial Alfredo Martini 660,-
13/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 17 4.325,-
12/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 16 1.775,-
10/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 15 1.375,-
10/09GP de Fourmies / La Voix du Nord 350,-
10/09Grand Prix Cycliste de Montréal 975,-
10/09Tour of Britain | Stage 8 2.530,-
09/09Tour of Britain | Stage 7 350,-
09/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 14 475,-
08/09Tour of Britain | Stage 6 435,-
08/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 13 2.675,-
07/09Tour of Britain | Stage 5 255,-
07/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 12 1.125,-
06/09Tour of Britain | Stage 4 575,-
06/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 11 75,-
05/09Tour of Britain | Stage 3 775,-
05/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 10 (ITT) 2.175,-
04/09Tour of Britain | Stage 2 655,-
03/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 9 0,-
03/09Tour of Britain | Stage 1 575,-
02/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 8 3.400,-
01/09La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 7 700,-
31/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 6 550,-
30/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 5 1.375,-
29/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 4 525,-
28/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 3 3.725,-
27/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 2 1.250,-
26/08Renewi Tour | Stage 4 1.000,-
26/08La Vuelta Ciclista a España | Stage 1 (TTT) 2.750,-
25/08Renewi Tour | Stage 3 400,-
25/08Tour Poitou - Charentes en Nouvelle Aquitaine | Stage 4 1.120,-
24/08Tour Poitou - Charentes en Nouvelle Aquitaine | Stage 3b (ITT) 300,-
23/08Tour Poitou - Charentes en Nouvelle Aquitaine | Stage 2 75,-
23/08Renewi Tour | Stage 1 900,-
Note that only the results prizemoney is doubled when the rider is made captain, prizemoney for leading or final GCs is not. Also, prizemoney for domestiques is never doubled.