
You can view captains of other teams after the start of the race.
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2VIVIANI Elia 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2MOLANO Juan Sebastián 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2KOOIJ Olav 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2BENNETT Sam 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2DE KLEIJN Arvid 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2MILAN Jonathan 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 2DE LIE Arnaud 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1BENNETT Sam 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1DE KLEIJN Arvid 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1DEKKER David 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1MILAN Jonathan 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1DE LIE Arnaud 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1MARECZKO Jakub 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1VIVIANI Elia 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1MOLANO Juan Sebastián 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1HAYTER Ethan 150,-
Gree-Tour of Guangxi | Stage 1KOOIJ Olav 150,-
Il Lombardia YATES Simon 625,-
Il Lombardia ROGLIČ Primož 625,-
Il Lombardia POGAČAR Tadej 625,-
Il Lombardia RODRÍGUEZ Carlos 625,-
Il Lombardia MOLLEMA Bauke 625,-
Il Lombardia CARAPAZ Richard 625,-
Il Lombardia BUITRAGO Santiago 625,-
Paris - Bourges MEEUS Jordi 150,-