
You can view captains of other teams after the start of the race.
Grand Prix de Denain - Porte du Hainaut HOFSTETTER Hugo 250,-
Danilith Nokere Koerse ALLEGAERT Piet 250,-
Milano - Torino MEEUS Jordi 250,-
Paris - Nice | Stage 7POGAČAR Tadej 150,-
Kuurne - Bruxelles - Kuurne DE LIE Arnaud 250,-
Vuelta a Andalucia Ruta Ciclista Del Sol | Stage 4POGAČAR Tadej 100,-
Vuelta a Andalucia Ruta Ciclista Del Sol | Stage 1POGAČAR Tadej 100,-
Volta a la Comunitat Valenciana | Stage 4VLASOV Aleksandr 100,-