Prizemoney breakdown for race: Presidential Cycling Tour of Türkiye | Stage 8
Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-10-15 10:25:00 and not sold before 2023-10-15 13:14:19.
Note that only the results prizemoney is doubled when the rider is made captain, prizemoney for leading or final GCs is not. Also, prizemoney for domestiques is never doubled.
Eligible for prizemoney when bought before 2023-10-15 10:25:00 and not sold before 2023-10-15 13:14:19.
Breakdown by rider
# | Rider | Prizemoney | |
1 | GUERIN Alexis | 640,- | |
2 | VINE Jay | 300,- | |
940,- |
Breakdown by line
# | Title | Rider | Result | Prize money | Captain | Domestique |
1 | Mountains classification | VINE Jay | 1 | 300,- | ||
2 | Final GC | GUERIN Alexis | 8 | 640,- | ||
940,- |
# | Rider | Bought | Sold |
1 | GUERIN Alexis | 09/01 19:24 | 31/12 00:00 |
2 | VINE Jay | 16/01 20:31 | 31/12 00:00 |